OK, here's my list for the 2015 reading challenge.
A book I've been meaning to read:
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg. I loved the movie. I hope it didn't ruin me for the book.
A book published this year:
The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro. Plus, I just entered to win a signed first edition. Letmewinletmewinletmewinletmewin!
A book in a genre I don't typically read:
I'm generally not a huge science fiction fan, and I'm not sure why that is since I've read some stellar science fiction books. I should have read I, Robot by now.
A book from my childhood:
El Jardin Secreto, aka The Secret Garden. Reading an old favorite in a new language should be a treat.
A book my mom loves:
I've already read several of Mom's favorites but I've never tried a J.D. Robb, so I'll start at the beginning with Naked in Death.
A book that was originally written in a different language:
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
A book "everyone" has read but me:
The Great Gatsby. I don't even know why. I just like the title.
A book I chose because of the cover:
The last book I picked because of the cover was The Sisters Brothers, and it was a good pick. This time I'll go with The Supernatural Enhancements by Edgar Cantero. I'm overdue for a bit of Goth.
A book by a favorite author:
How did I miss that one of my favorite writers has a new book out? The Beginner's Goodbye by Anne Tyler.
A book recommended by someone with great taste:
East of Eden. Kathleen loves Steinbeck. I've read other Steinbeck books, but not this one. It is time.
A book I should have read in high school:
My high school didn't have us read much literature, really. I'm picking The Three Musketeers. Because, musketeers. "Come, D'Artagnan! We're saving the king!"
A book that's currently on the bestseller list:
The Girl on the Train. I've been on the library's waiting list for about 2 months. I've made it up to 326th in line! It's like being camped out for Warped Tour tickets. I hope I don't have to bump this one back to 2016.
Sounds like a really good list, Deb. Interesting choices.